Currently Locata is being used to locate drilling equipment in Australia, and is being marketed for big businesses. Recently the US military (ironically the creators of GPS technology) have signed a contract with Locata which, for many, has solidified their place in the field of global positioning. They aren’t currently focusing on consumer applications due to the size and cost of the transmitters, but Nunzio Ganbale, CEO and co-founder, predicts that the units will be small and cheap enough to be available for smartphones within the next five years. At first Locata technology will be a supplement to GPS, but it could become the standard positioning technology over time.
GPS Could Be Getting the Boot from New Positioning Technology By Locata
Currently Locata is being used to locate drilling equipment in Australia, and is being marketed for big businesses. Recently the US military (ironically the creators of GPS technology) have signed a contract with Locata which, for many, has solidified their place in the field of global positioning. They aren’t currently focusing on consumer applications due to the size and cost of the transmitters, but Nunzio Ganbale, CEO and co-founder, predicts that the units will be small and cheap enough to be available for smartphones within the next five years. At first Locata technology will be a supplement to GPS, but it could become the standard positioning technology over time.
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