So much for mass protest. We had a real disappointment this week as far as Internet privacy. A group of Internet and privacy activists were more or less looking promoting February 11th as the day the Internet would collectively shut down the NSA. Tuesday was called: “The day we fought back” (Tuesday was also declared as Safer Internet Day). Except, the Internet didn’t fight back.This movement was designed after SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and the Protect IP Act from a couple years back. Then, sites like Reddit, Wikipedia, and even companies like Google and Facebook successfully aided in the legislation.
Unfortunately, the protest was barely registered; no Wikipedia, no Reddit. Even worse, Tumblr, Mozilla and Duckduckgo (who actually listed themselves as organizers) did NOTHING! Turns out many people, like myself, and perhaps you too, did not even hear about February 11th until February 11th, or even the 12th. Would you have participated in something like this if you knew it was going to happen?
Sony's latest marketing ploy is an interesting one. A waterproof Walkman MP3 player and headphones! The interesting part is that they are are selling them submerged inside of a water bottle and via vending machines and leisure centers. Some people are calling it a showcase. I think it’s more of a smart publicity idea with a great commercial attached to it. To my surprise, I found out the ear buds aren't even waterproof. Apparently you can go underwater with the MP3 player fine, but once water gets between your ears and the buds all you hear is muffled sound.
Night time trips to the toilet just got a heck of a lot easier. Kohler made “Nightlight”, a toilet seat for better aim. Nightlight bathes your porcelain with a faint blue glow, once the seat is lifted, a nice gentle amount of light fills the bowl. I think Nightlight should involve red or some other gentle color. Blue light is harsh on the eyes at night. Also, funny that this idea has been around for a long time, by different companies in fact. I found one from a company called Homepower for 12 bucks on Amazon.