Simple Matters currently is seeking funding through a Kickstarter campaign fundraiser, which is currently about $30,000 short of its $100,000 goal. Designer Bob Olodort has stated that he mainly wanted the fundraiser to generate publicity, and that Simple Matters would begin production of Ditto regardless of whether or not it reaches the funding amount by the deadline (Ubergizmo). Thousands of dollars won’t hurt, however. If all goes well, Simple Matters will release Ditto early next year.
Ditto, The Simplest $29 Wearable Out There
Simple Matters currently is seeking funding through a Kickstarter campaign fundraiser, which is currently about $30,000 short of its $100,000 goal. Designer Bob Olodort has stated that he mainly wanted the fundraiser to generate publicity, and that Simple Matters would begin production of Ditto regardless of whether or not it reaches the funding amount by the deadline (Ubergizmo). Thousands of dollars won’t hurt, however. If all goes well, Simple Matters will release Ditto early next year.
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