Blood Sport takes a normal video game controller and modifies it with a blood collection system, much like you would see when donating blood. The controller is connected to the blood collection system through an Arduino Board. The board works by communicating with the blood collection system, ensuring that Blood Sport will power down before drawing too much blood based on health information (age, weight, and preexisting conditions) given beforehand. By taking an electrical signal from the controller each time it rumbles, Blood Sport activates the blood collection system, and filters it into sterilized collection bags. The blood is then ready to be taken to donation banks.
There's definitely madness to this method, and perhaps that's the reason the bizarre Blood Sport was only able to earn around $3,300 of its $250,000 goal before being suspended by Kickstarter. As crowdfunding sites do not typically state why a project was suspended, it is currently unclear why the funding is frozen, or if Brand and Grotesque plan to move the device to another crowd funding site.