For as long as I can remember, music has been the driving force behind all that is good in the world for me, and really great Rock music is the crowned jewel of my wide and varied tastes. Nothing speaks as clearly or as directly straight into my soul as a loud, sweaty, pulsing, driving Rock band. And while each instrument and the many companies that have dedicated their lives to creating them have a special, sonic place in my heart, there is one name that will always remain synonymous with Rock music as a whole – Marshall. Seeing those elegantly curved cursive letters emblazoned across an amp when I walk into a room gives me all kinds of warm, anticipatory fuzzies, and it looks like in just a few short weeks, I’ll be able to access those feels at any time from the close proximity of my own front pocket. Audiophiles, meet the smartphone that was made specifically with us in mind – the Marshall London.
Marshall’s London Smartphone Is a Music Lover’s Dream
For as long as I can remember, music has been the driving force behind all that is good in the world for me, and really great Rock music is the crowned jewel of my wide and varied tastes. Nothing speaks as clearly or as directly straight into my soul as a loud, sweaty, pulsing, driving Rock band. And while each instrument and the many companies that have dedicated their lives to creating them have a special, sonic place in my heart, there is one name that will always remain synonymous with Rock music as a whole – Marshall. Seeing those elegantly curved cursive letters emblazoned across an amp when I walk into a room gives me all kinds of warm, anticipatory fuzzies, and it looks like in just a few short weeks, I’ll be able to access those feels at any time from the close proximity of my own front pocket. Audiophiles, meet the smartphone that was made specifically with us in mind – the Marshall London.
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