Oral B’s Smart Series Puts a Tiny Dentist in Your Toothbrush

“There’s an App for that!”, a phrase that would have sounded foreign at best a decade ago, is now a commonality that seems to hold true for nearly everything. The next area of technology to be reinvented by our app-savvy … Continue reading


The LIX 3D Pen Puts Design in the Palm of Your Hand

In the ever-expanding field of 3D printing, bigger things are coming in smaller and smaller packages. This week we saw the introduction of LIX’s 3D printing pen, a pen-sized device that allows you to sketch in the air without using … Continue reading


Microsoft’s Motion Control Hovercraft Keyboard: Type-Hover-Swipe

The Type-Hover-Swipe is the latest work shown off by Microsoft’s Research team in the motion-control category. It is part of the latest trend in gesture control, similar to projects such as Leap Motion, and the Nod Ring. The division created … Continue reading


Move Your World With The Nod Bluetooth Ring

Gesture control devices are big these days, but bluetooth-enabled rings have been particularly increasing in numbers. Some of these devices, such as the Fin, work as a smartphone companion, allowing the user to receive texts, emails, and other notifications via … Continue reading


“Never Settle”: OnePlus One Has Enticing Specs, Customizable Appearance at Half The Cost

OnePlus, a Shenzen tech startup with an interesting company mantra, “never settle”, is debuting its very first smartphone, the OnePlus One. Interesting name. Should it not be called the “Two”? Not to be confused with its HTC One rival, the … Continue reading


Conversnitch: An Eavesdropping, Livetweeting Lamp

When you look at the success of shows like MTV’s The Real World, The Real Housewives of… well, anywhere, and the multitude of programming that exists solely to portray the “real lives” of “real people” going about their daily business, … Continue reading


The Aereo Debate Hits the Supreme Court

While most of you are probably not yet familiar with the obscure Internet start-up Aereo, thanks to some very noisy broadcasting executives, you will be soon. The company debuted in 2012 with an innovative new way to watch your favorite … Continue reading


More Than Just A Good Photo: Illum, From Lytro Uses Unique Light-Field Technique

Lytro is a Silicon Valley startup company that showed us its very first Lytro model back in 2011. This kaleidoscope-shaped camera gave a sneak peek at the promise of light field photography, and won people over by its capability of … Continue reading


FingerReader May Give The Visually Impaired An Electronic Alternative To Braille

FingerReader, developed by a team of MIT Media Lab scientists, is the name of a wearable gadget for the visually impaired. Strapped onto the finger, the ring-like device reads printed text out loud to the individual using a synthesized voice. … Continue reading


The Gramofone Is A Wi-Fi JukeBox For The 21st Century

Fon is a Spanish company founded on Kickstarter, and has since become one of the world’s largest dual-access Wi-Fi network operators. Back in July of 2013, Fon held over 8 million hotspots, while today it has over 13 million around … Continue reading


Google’s Project Tango To Partner With NASA To Built Autonomous Robots

The Google 3D project, Project Tango, might be something you’ve heard about in the news since it was unveiled in February. Google decided to embark on an experimental smartphone, packed with several high-quality cameras for mapping a 3D visual of … Continue reading


Robohand: A Tragic Accident Transforms into Worldwide 3D Printing Prosthetic Company

Carpenter Richard Van As was the victim of a terrible accident in his workshop back in May 2011, when his saw slipped and diagonally sliced through the four fingers on his right hand. The way a true carpenter’s mind would … Continue reading


A Tiny Robotic Printer, The Pocket Printer Wheels Itself Across Paper

Normally, when we think of a desktop printer, we think of a printer that places ink on paper at least 8.5 inches wide. But printing and computing technology is consistently getting smaller. So, wouldn’t it make sense that printers, along … Continue reading


GADGETS & PERIPHERALS’s New Mystery Smartwatch Doesn’t Need a Phone

He’s a rapper, a member of the famed group Black Eyed Peas, a coveted music producer, rising tech and fashion mogul, and as of 2011 the director of creative innovation at Intel. Most recently, made headlines for a line … Continue reading